Thursday 11 March 2010

What Is This, Some Kind Of Competition?

I've decided to run some kind of competition. However it's only open to recipients of The Incredible Suit's weekly email. It's like a special treat for being a lovely cuddly loyal viewer.

If you would like to enter, you'll need to sign up by emailing me here with the subject "Yes", at which point you'll be on the mailing list and the competition is yours for the winning.

If it's remotely successful I might even do another one. Can't say fairer than that.

Don't get your hopes up though, prizes will almost certainly be intangible and limited to the brief but thrilling glory of appearing on The Incredible Suit in some way, shape or form.

Oh and I promise not to spam you (apart from with my weekly spam, obviously) or sell your email address to the Russian mafia.

Go on then!

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  1. You have spent weeks slagging off awards and now you want to give one of your own!

    I know of course what the prize will be. A complimentary ticket to see a 3D film at the Enfield Cineworld.

  2. But if I'm deciding on the winner then it's bound to be the right decision innit? I mean, The Hurt Locker. I ask you.
