Friday 16 September 2011

Win A Sexilicious Face/Off Poster And Tickets To See It At A Cinema Of Your Choice, Providing Your Choice Is Limited To The Stratford Picturehouse

They say good news comes in threes, and guess what? They were right, and here's proof.

Firstly, friends of The Incredible Suit and all round sex machines Sam and Simon of Picturehouse Podcast fame are screening John Woo's illegally entertaining Face/Off at Stratford's Picturehouse cinema on Thursday 29th September, and tickets are but five English pounds each. They'll also be recording a pre-screening podcast in the auditorium, which promises to be both fun and technically challenging. That's not much use if you're nowhere near London though, which brings me to the second bit of good news.

Designer Sam Gilbey, whose previous work for the Picturehomies has included this deeply arousing The Big Lebowski poster, has created another delicious promo for this event, and it looks like this:
Which leads me neatly into the third piece of good news, which is that The Incredible Suit has one of these posters (30 by 40 inches, dimension fans) and two tickets to the screening to give away to the winner of another stupid competition. All you need to do to be in with a chance is complete the following statement:

In Face/Off, Nicolas Cage and John Travolta swap...

a) Faces
b) Faeces

All correct entrants will enter The Arena Of Destiny, from whence a winner will be chosen by some tortuously convoluted method yet to be devised.

Email your answer to me here before, let's say, 10.18pm on Friday 23rd September 2011. Meanwhile, here's some none-more-'90s trailer action to test your underpants' ability to contain your arousal:


  1. I know tthe answer!

    Pick me!

    *hand in air*

    Although through one of the answers, the idea of John Woo directing a gross-out comedy is a wonderful idea. Slow-mo awkward sexual conquests. Imagine the gross comedic possiblities of mass doves? Linkage to one of the answers.

  2. b) of course.

    In Germany, the film is known by its alternative title of 'Zwei Jungs, eine Tasse.'

  3. Trivia: Technical note. This B&Q sponsored production was shot on Masking Tape and released on Dulux Colour prints.

  4. Will someone please win this? The last stupid poster giveaway is still cluttering up my room at work!
