Friday, 30 July 2010

Cowboys & Aliens: This Is A Bit More Like It

"Who's Daniel Craig wearing these days?"
"I think he's in C&A. Ahahahahaha"
"I don't get it"
"Well C&A is the name of a defunct chain of clothes shops, as well as being an acronym for Cowboys & Aliens"
"Oh I see. That's not very funny"
"Your Mum's not very funny"

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  1. Don't quote me, but I think there might still be a C&A in Colchester

  2. It's still going strong on the continent...but then mainland Europe does tend to be around 10 years behind Britain in clothing stakes. You can always spot the French schoolkids in London a mile off from their MASSIVE PUFFA JACKETS and Nike swooshes everywhere.

    Oh, and I bet the cowboys will win. Although doesn't that photo just look like James Bond has gone undercover at a line dancing contest?

  3. cowboys and aliens!? awesome. even more so with daniel craig + harrison ford

  4. Daniel Craig has in fact just spotted the person who made fun of his clothing. He knows him as The Incredible Shit. There is a typo there perhaps. I'm in consonant fear of miss pelling.

  5. "You can always spot the French schoolkids in London a mile off from their MASSIVE PUFFA JACKETS and Nike swooshes everywhere."
    HERP DERP !!!

    There, I have placed it...

