Friday 1 April 2011

Win A Sexually Arousing Big Lebowski Poster!

Hopefully by now you're carnally familiar with the Picturehouse Podcast, which has on occasion been elevated to an even higher state of greatness than usual by the presence of The Incredible Suit talking knowledgeably about films and gin.

The podcast is nearly one year old, and to celebrate, hosts Sam and Simon - like all good parents of one-year-olds - are taking it to the cinema to see an 18 certificate film and feed it gallons of booze. And the best thing is we're all invited! And when I say "invited", I mean "welcome to buy a ticket and come along to the Ritzy in Brixton on April 14th".

Further details are to be found in this rather delicious poster, designed by Sam Gilbey:
If the image is too small to read, fear not! Because The Incredible Suit has not three, not two, but one of these underpant-dampeningly beautiful and really quite large (60 x 40 of your inches) posters to give away to one unspeakably lucky bastard. If you'd like to be that bastard, email me with the correct answer to this question:

What film are Sam and Simon showing to celebrate
the Picturehouse Podcast's first birthday?

Please mark the subject box of your email with "The Big Lebowski Competition".

You have until 10.46pm tonight to enter, after which time I'll pick a winner at random, if I'm not drunk. Bonne chance!


  1. Very good!
    We all enjoy an April Fool.

  2. After 12:00 It wasn't an April Fool. 12:09 was too late.

  3. This is a travesty. Sam and Simon should be showing The Holiday, a film they (bafflingly) love without question.
